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440 Hale Road Real Estate, Absolute Auction
Sold 18 Aug, 2018 - (Sold)
440 Hale Road
Clarksville, IN 47129
On-Line Bidding
Absolute Real Estate Auction, 440 Hale Road, Clarksville, Indiana 47129, Bid now through August 18. Bidding closes at 7:00 PM on August 18, 2018. This home offers approximately 1250 SF with 1000 SF on the main level with 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, an eat-in kitchen. There is an additional 250 SF of finished space in the basement , a family room with a wood burning Buck stove. Plus approximately 750 SF of utility & storage area. This home has well water, oil heat, and a septic system, plus central air conditioning. There is water, gas & sewer in the area for connections at the buyer's expense.
The property will be offered in 2 tracts with the right to combine these tracts into a single sale. Tract 1 (Lot 1A) Consists of the house, 2 car garage & barn, sitting on .58 acres. Tract 2 (Lot 2) consist .53 acres. Lot 3 contains both lots 1 & lot 2 as a single sale. Buyers should not that which ever way yields the most for the seller will be the final method of sale.
Hale Road Tax Info
Auction Terms & Information1. There will be a $5,000 non-refundable down payment on each parcel purchased or $10,000 total if bought in its entirety and non-refundable down payment shall be made payable to the auction company within 24 hours of the conclusion of the internet auction and this must be delivered to 911 E. Court Avenue at which time signing of the purchase contracts will take place.2. A 10% buyer's premium will be used to determine the final contract purchase price. ($1 bid = $1.10 paid)3. A valid Visa or MasterCard is required to register & bid during the auction. 4. The non-refundable down-payment must be paid with a cashier's check from a local area servicing bank or financial institution and must be presented to the auction company at 911 E. Court Avenue, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130 within 24 hours of the conclusion of the auction. Any usage of an out of area bank must be approved & verified by the auction company prior to bidding. 5. Failure to deliver certified funds for the down payment as specified in the online auction terms will result in a credit card transaction or other appropriate legal actions for the non-refundable down payment.6. Balance of the final purchase price must be presented to the sellers at closing NO LATER THAN, 3 October 2018. All real estate closing must take place with Pitt & Frank Real Estate Closing Attorneys, New Albany, Indiana, since Pitt & Frank has already performed the preliminary title work on the property prior to the auction. 7. All property taxes due on 440 Hale Road shall be prorated between the buyer/sellers to the day of closing. Any back taxes due shall be paid by the seller. 8. This property is being offered to the public at absolute auction and will be sold to the highest bidder and will be sold subject to no contingencies in regards to inspections or the policies and procedures of any lending institution. 9. All terms and conditions posted online shall take precedence over all previous announcements oral or written. 10. The property will be sold as-is without warranty, refunds or exchanges. The sellers and the auctioneer are in agreement whereas the property will be offered per parcel with the right to make combinations of all parcels. There will be 3 possible variations of sale. Lot 1A: contains .58 acres, with the house, garage & barn. Lot 2: contains 2 seperate deeded lots offered which will be offered as a single unit consisting of .53 acres total. Lot 3 combined, .58 acres, house, barn & garage, plus the additional .53 acres with a 10 utility only easement through the edge of Parcel 1. Whichever variation yields the highest possible results for the sellers will be the final method of sale. 11. It shall be the bidder's responsibility to perform all due diligence and determine suitability of the property, easements, property boundries, & utilitiy access prior to the close of the bidding process. Property is being sold by the descriptions of the existing recorded deeds and or descriptions as recorded with Clark County, plus with the added change stating the 10' utility easement only. This easement is not for daily ingress or egress to & from the building lots.12. The home was built around 1940 so lead based may have been utilized and the buyer may elect to have inspections. The LBP inspection periods begins August 8. The real estate will be available for inspections or preview on August 8 & 9 between 2 & 4PM or by appointment only.13. Any showings outside the open inspection periods must be by appointment. All real estate related inspections are welcome at buyers expense prior to the close of the auction,but property is being sold as-is. 14. The online auction shall begin on or about August 4, 2018 and close at or about 7PM August 18, 2018, specific time of the auction close will be posted on the bidding website. This is a soft close auction whereas the bidding may continue until there are no additional bids; the auction company reserves the right to delay the bidding, extend the bidding or close all bids due to any technical difficulties or failures with the online auction service provider. Personal bidder's errors or the bidder's computer equipment malfunctions are not the responsibility of the auction company. 15. There will be a cooperating broker's fee of 1% offered for this auction to the agent representing the successful bidder who closes on the property. Agents must register with the auction company prior to the auction and accompany their buyer to all previews & closing. 16. The property is being offered subject to prior sale, all outside offers will be presented to the sellers through Real Estate Unlimited and if accepted by the seller all online bidding will be terminated and this auction will be cancelled. Any outside offer must adhere to the same terms and conditions of the auction with no contingencies.17. Any buyer who is required to secure lending shall realize all sales are final and the policies of the lending institution will not release the buyer's obligation to close on the purchase. 18. The Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker are acting as agents only for the seller; the auction company & real estate company staff reserve the right to bid. 19. The home was built in 40's therefore the lead based paint inspection period begins August 8, 2018. For additional information or to schedule inspection appointments please call: John McGinnis, CAI, CES, CAGA, at 812-282-7253 concerning auction procedures, all other matters may be directed to Real Estate Unlimited, Fran Evola, Broker, at 812-288-6080. Sellers: Bette Hughes, Owner, Lee Ann Hughes, POA. John McGinnis, Indiana Auctioneer's License AU19600081. McGinnis Auction & Appraisal Service, Jeffersonville, Indiana AC30900136. John McGinnis, CAI AU19600081 812-282-7253